DESIRE Health Inclusive organization (DHIO) is a Not-for-profit organization working to address inequities in health and social development of persons with hearing loss (otherwise known as deaf), other women and children with special needs through public health interventions and innovative social change strategies.
The HEARing and EARnpreneurs (Project EARn) are projects of DHIO working with Persons with hearing impairment.
Project EARn aims to empower Persons with hearing impairment through the acquisition of relevant skills and knowledge to enable them become resourceful and financially independent.
The HEARing project is intended to bridge the gap between persons with hearing disabilities and those without hearing disability by mitigating the health and socio-economic impact of living with hearing impairment (especially among women and children). We believe in a society where Persons with hearing disability can access related care and services (without discrimination or 'bottlenecks') and are empowered to live a normal life.
First established in 2011 as a consult, it was borne out of the need to compliment the efforts and improve the service delivery of all categories of clients and organizations that intend to promote their passion for social responsibility.
DeSIre Health's Consult envisions a society that is able to meet the health needs of its citizens to the maximum capacity and capability.
We have the mission to position individuals, profit and non-profit entities for better health outcomes in Africa and beyond.